Friday, April 4, 2014

New phone, Samsung Galaxy Note 3

My cell phone contract finally ended which means I can get a new phone.  I've been considering a new phone for a while now, so I knew what I wanted.  I've been wanting to do more drawing on the bus, but my current tablet just isn't up to the task.  Even with a good stylus there's no way to create nice lines.  Pencil and paper works, kind of.  The bus is rather bouncy and unstable which makes it hard to make nice lines.

This brought me to the Samsung Galaxy Note series of devices, they use a Wacom digitizer which promises much better precision.  Since it's digital drawing this means an undo button as well, which I so desperately need when drawing.

So for the new phone I went and got a Samsung Galaxy Note 3, and have been doodling on it for a while now.

Monday, March 31, 2014

C# MS SQL Connection

For a project I was working on I needed to connect to a MS SQL database.  I didn't need to do anything fancy, just connect and submit a bunch of queries.  Still though, this is the sort of thing I felt I should write down as I'm sure I'll need to do this again.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Ton's Adventure (Part 3)

Now the final part to that story.  It's not a very good ending, it lacks any real climax.  Then again, it was meant to just be prologue to what the players did during the D&D sessions; and I think it worked pretty well for that.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Ton's Adventure (Part 2)

Continuing that story from before.  Oddly enough this was the first part I had written, and the part I think turned out the best.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Ton's Adventure (Part 1)

A while back I was working on a adventure for a D&D game which revolved around something that one of the PC's father's had done.  He become mixed up in some nefarious cult's business and his child, the PC gets called in to sort out the mess.

For whatever reason I sat down and wrote out a chunk of the father's adventure.  This part, the beginning of it, was what I wrote last.  I was looking for some way to tie the story together into a more complete story.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Spaghetti Carbonara

Last weekend I tried making spaghetti carbonara, it did not turn out so well.  I'm pretty sure the recipe was good I just didn't follow it very well.  The trouble comes from having two 3-year old sous chefs, they are pretty distracting and make it difficult to keep tabs of everything on the stove.  Particularly when you're trying a new recipe.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Dakkon Ryedius

Our gaming group is starting up an adventure using the Stars Without Number rules.  It's been a long time since I've gotten to play a space opera RPG, the last one I played was the West End Star Wars RPG.  Normally I'd spend some time thinking about the character and coming up with a story; however we were rolling for stats so the dice were going to be a big influence on what each of us plays.

Well we've rolled the dice and I get to play a space marine.